Unit Peningkatan Kesehatan Masyarakat, also known as Community Development Bethesda, abbreviated as CD Bethesda, is a community health development unit by Bethesda Hospital since 1974 using the concept of “Hospital Without Wall”. Over time, the community organizing works carried out by CD Bethesda a Primary Health Care approach that is able to reach wider community is considered not only to represent the services of Bethesda Hospital but also reflects the vision and mission of YAKKUM (Christian Foundation for Public Health) in humanitarian and development services through extramural units. Therefore, during the early 2016, CD Bethesda became an extramural unit directly under YAKKUM.
Based on the SK Pembina Yakkum Nomor 003-Pm/CD Bethesda/1/2016, dated January 26, 2016, CD Bethesda became a Work Unit under YAKKUM and the Directorate of Community Development and Humanitarianism (PKMK) with the name Usaha Peningkatan Kesehatan Masyarakat/Community Development Bethesda YAKKUM, abbreviated as UPKM/CD Bethesda YAKKUM

To become an institution that excels in realizing a comprehensive health care system based on local potential, opening accessibility for vulnerable groups supported by competent, professional human resources and adequate management information systems.
- Empowering people and communities to be able to manage their potential and collaborate with other stakeholders to support the development of a quality health care system.
- Realizing an institution that has a competitive advantage in community-based primary health services.