Limited resources are often used as an excuse to justify the inefficiency of HIV control programmes. This is different at South Atambua Public Health Centre. The HIV team at this health centre in the Belu district has made [...]
Adherence to taking ARV medicine for People Living with HIV (PLHIV) does not only depend on the availability of adequate medical services. Psychosocial support from the closest person is efficient for the sustainability of ARV therapy. Doctor Fajar, one of the [...]
The increase in the number of public health centres and hospitals that provide care, support, and medication services in the Belu Regency has facilitated access to health services for PLHIV. However, the challenge in realising quality care, support, and medication services in the border area of Indonesia with Timor Leste is [..]
Becoming a prospective mother for the first time must be a precious experience for many women. Getting the news of pregnancy is certainly something to look forward to. Then the excitement of sharing the good news with [...]
The concept of a Continuum of Care established by the Ministry of Health in July 2012 aims to strengthen the integrated primary health care system for HIV and AIDS control. This comprehensive service includes [...]
When we hear about the Kebaya Yogyakarta Foundation, the first thing that crosses in minds is an organisation that is related to fashion and identic with elegant, polite, and traditional women's clothes. The closest interpretation of the Kebaya Foundation is elegant and polite, which is what the activists and volunteers of the Kebaya Foundation are. At first, Kebaya Foundation was [...]