Posyandu Services: Between Ideality and Reality
September 18, 2024

Posyandu Must Not Be at The End of Its Rope
February 27, 2025Encounters Lead to Caring
Knowing is not necessarily knowing. If someone only knows about another person, such as an artist, public figure, or other famous person, they do not have the experience of direct interaction. However, if someone knows someone else, there must be direct encounters and interactions to understand each other more deeply. The Deputy Regent of Belu's direct encounter with people living with HIV (PLHIV) was the beginning of getting to know each other, breaking the stigma and finally raising awareness.
The collaboration between CD Bethesda YAKKUM and the Belu Regency Government regarding HIV and AIDS Control is ongoing and started with the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) signing on December 8th, 2022, in the Integrated HIV and AIDS Control Programme in Belu District for the period July 2022-June 2025. At the Regional Development Planning, Research and Development Agency Office Hall, this MoU continues the program's first phase, which runs from July 2019 to 2022. The Local Government, through the Regent of Belu, appreciated and welcomed the continuation of the cooperation considering the high number of HIV and AIDS cases, the limited resources of the Local Government both in terms of human resources and finance, as well as the limited Non-Governmental Organisations and AIDS Care Communities that pay special attention to HIV and AIDS issues in Belu District.
The Regional Government provides full support in this four-year collaboration. The form of support, among others, is the contribution to the realisation of Care, Support, and Treatment (CST) services at six public health cares, namely Atapupu, South Atambua, Wedomu, Haekesak, Umanen, Silawan, and Marianum Halilulik Hospital since the service was previously only centralised at Atambua Regional Hospital. They believed that the additional services could improve the quality of services to PLHIV and facilitate the work of HIV and AIDS prevention and control. In addition, the Government also established the Regent Regulation No. 5 Year 2023 on the Regional Action Plan for HIV and AIDS Prevention and Response in Belu District for 2022-2026. The regulation is a reference in the planning and budgeting process related to HIV and AIDS issues and strengthens cross-sectoral cooperation.
The Regional Government participates in the activities carried out by CD Bethesda YAKKUM. One of them is the Deputy Regent of Belu, drs. Aloysius Haleserens, M.M, is intensely involved in implementing CD Bethesda YAKKUM activities at the district, sub-district and village levels. The activities are meetings with the AIDS care communities and the Moris Foun Belu Peer Support Group at the District level, Workshop on Integrated and Community-Based HIV and AIDS Control at the District Level, Workshop on the Results of SALT Visits and HIV and AIDS Education at the Village Level, and Commemoration of World AIDS Day in Mota'ain, Indonesia's Border with Timor Leste.

Press conference with the Deputy Regent, Chairman of the Regional Legislative Council, and members of Moris Foun Belu Peer Support Group in the activities of the Art Performance and Dialogue on HIV and AIDS Control in Belu District
Three things become the background of the Vice Regent of Belu active in HIV and AIDS prevention and response work that is not only ceremonial but also facilitates activities—firstly, having a sense of empathy for People Living with HIV (PLHIV) because they have experienced living with PLHIV who are also the closest family members. Second, HIV and AIDS cases in Belu Regency and death cases are high in East Nusa Tenggara. Third, supporting the target of an AIDS-free Indonesia in 2030 is that there are no new cases of HIV, no deaths due to AIDS and no stigma and discrimination.

The Vice Regent of Belu delivered material on empowering PLHIV through Village Funds to Haikrit, Bakustulama Village, and West Tasifeto District residents.
The presence of the Deputy Regent in a series of activities carried out by CD Bethesda YAKKUM both formally and informally shows that the Local Government gives full attention to the work of HIV and AIDS Control in Belu District. Second, the Deputy Regent also received direct information and photographed the real reality of the situation of HIV and AIDS control in Belu District. Third, encouraging the government at the lower level to pay attention to HIV and AIDS budgeting policies. Fourth, to promote cross-sectoral cooperation and community involvement in HIV and AIDS control works.

The Deputy Regent of Belu asked the Village Heads of Bakustulama and Tukuneno, West Tasifeto Subdistrict, to Pay Attention to PLHIV, which is open and has the skills to obtain business capital.
Through several meetings, the Vice Regent of Belu has always emphasized to the community and government at the lower level to pay attention and embrace PLHIV in activities carried out by the government and civil society. There should be no discrimination for PLHIV because HIV is not easily transmitted.
“I embrace our friends. I am not afraid because HIV is not easily transmitted. We must support them; there should be no discrimination.”
In addition, they should pay attention to PLHIV to access business capital because they have skills.
“It turns out that some of them are Village Consultative Board administrators, and both have skills, and their businesses are already making money; the Village Heads must pay attention to their business capital from the village budget in 2024. The homework for the Bakustulama Village Head is to allocate a budget for them. Village Head Tukuneno can utilise them to train young people because they have skills.”

The Vice Regent of Belu said that there should be no discrimination as well as gathering support for business skills for PLHIV
The progress that has occurred to date with the concern of the Vice Regent of Belu is that there is a common understanding that HIV and AIDS control work must involve the community. The target of an AIDS-free Indonesia in 2030 will not be achieved if the control is only carried out by the government through the health office, public health centre, AIDS Commission, and non-governmental organisations without involving the community and AIDS care communities. The Local Government has signed Regent Regulation Number 5 of 2023 on the Local Action Plan for HIV and AIDS Prevention and Response in Belu District, emphasising the need for community involvement through the AIDS Care Communities.
This Regent Regulation is one of the references for the Vice Regent of Belu in facilitating activities. Some of the advancements are:
- The government, especially at the village and sub-district levels, has supported the AIDS Care Communities. The village head decree has been issued for AIDS Care Communities in Silawan, Leosama, Fatuketi, Manleten, and Tukuneno villages. They are still in the process of being formally legalized. Villages and sub-districts outside the CD Bethesda YAKKUM intervention are also exploring the formation of AIDS Care Communities.
The six intervention areas of CD Bethesda YAKKUM and other villages have allocated budgets for AIDS Care Communities, HIV and AIDS socialisation activities and business capital that PLHIV can also access.
There is already a budget allocation for business capital sourced from village funds in 2024, which PLHIV also accesses. The budget allocation for business capital is limited to CD Bethesda YAKKUM’s intervention villages.
There is a joint commitment to include PLHIV and AIDS Care Communities as resource persons in government-organised activities, especially in the village. This commitment is being accommodated in the 2024 or 2025 budget year.
Some of the activities that will be carried out in the future involving the Vice Regent of Belu and his staff are:
Strive for all villages and sub-districts in Belu District to consider HIV and AIDS issues in planning and budgeting.
Establish and facilitate AIDS Care Communities in villages and sub-districts where CD Bethesda YAKKUM does not intervene to play an active role with the community and government in HIV and AIDS control.
Involvement of PLHIV in activities conducted by the government and access to skills and business capital.
Some records of the Vice Regent of Belu’s concern in HIV and AIDS prevention and response work can inspire us all to believe that the active involvement of the Local Government, especially the Regent, Vice Regent, and staff, will accelerate HIV and AIDS control efforts towards the Indonesia Three Zero in 2030.
(Yosafat Ichian)