Local Food Creations, Main Choice for Increasing Nutrition of PLHIV
January 22, 2023

“Teater Inklusi” Performance Group’s “Bidadari Di Atas Sebutir Padi”
January 26, 2023Spirits of People Concerned for AIDS in Surya Sejahtera and Bener

Pertemuan Rutin WPA Surya Sejahtera
People Concerned with AIDS (locally known as WPA) is a form of movement of community members who have the readiness, ability, and willingness to participate in prevention and response to HIV and AIDS. In the city of Yogyakarta, there are 45 urban villages that have WPA, one of which is Suryodiningratan Village. The WPA in Suryodiningratan Village began to be reactivated by UPKM/CD Bethesda YAKKUM at the end of 2019 with 5 members namely: Purnama Suryawan as Coordinator, Nirmala Prihatna as Secretary, Eny Susanty as Treasurer, Edy Pribantoro as Education Section, and Siti Cholifah as Outreach Section . The WPA in Suryodiningratan Village, Mantrijeron District, Yogyakarta City had previously been formed in 2015, but was previously suspended or inactive.
In early 2021, WPA Suryodiningratan was organized under the name “WPA Surya Sejahtera”. Before WPA members provide education to the public, they must first be equipped with comprehensive knowledge about HIV and AIDS. Currently WPA Surya Sejahtera has received a decree from the Suryodiningratan Village and is actively providing education about HIV and AIDS in various village activities such as the Integrated Development Post, Family Welfare Development, village forum meetings and Karang Taruna in every Hamlet.
Apart from providing training on HIV and AIDS, WPA Surya Sejahtera also invites the public to take an HIV test. WPA has also received increased skills, including: local food processing to improve the nutrition of PLHIV, acupressure and traditional medicine training to increase stamina and reduce Anti Retroviral (ARV) side effects, breathing exercises to increase stamina during the pandemic, and planting organic vegetables to increase food security in families and the environment.
Currently WPA Surya Sejahtera, apart from conducting HIV and AIDS education, also trains the community to make local food products in the form of ice cream from dragon fruit and pumpkin. This local food product is easy to make and the ingredients used are easy to get. WPA also trains the community and the “Tani Surya Hijau” group to make vegetable insecticides from papaya and galangal leaves which are used to spray pests on plants. After the training, one WPA member, namely Edy Pribantoro, made organic liquid fertilizer from leftover leaves and fresh vegetable waste. This organic liquid fertilizer is used for various things, not only for fertilizer but can also be used as an insecticide and disinfectant. Another activity carried out by WPA is the manufacture of herbal medicines or herbal turmeric tamarind.
WPA Surya Sejahtera now has a secretariat located on the 2nd floor of the Suryodiningratan Village building. This secretariat room is used for routine WPA meetings, receiving visiting guests from other regions and WPA partners, as well as a place to coordinate and plan activities.
The WPA movement also occurred in the Bener Village. Their involvement is quite large in efforts to prevent and control HIV and AIDS, including training in making organic fertilizers to improve nutrition. Secretary of the WPA for the Bener Village, Natalia Indriyanti, became a WPA representative to take part in the Organic Fertilizer Making Training. In the first hour of the training, Indriyanti didn’t really understand the liquid organic fertilizer known as “Kohe”. At that time the training was held for 2 days. On the first day is theory, then the second day is an introduction to materials and tools for making liquid fertilizer and tools for making fertilizer from animal manure (known locally as “Kohe”). After the introduction of the tool, then proceed with the practice of making liquid fertilizer, and fertilizer from animal manure and natural pesticides.

Proses Penanaman Sayuran Organik oleh WPA Bener
At the time of practice, participants are expected to master the ingredients and their functions as well as the dosage in making fertilizer. After understanding and mastering the method of making this organic fertilizer, Indriyanti then put into practice what she got during the training. He started growing chilies, eggplants, tomatoes, mustard greens. It didn’t stop here, he also passed on the knowledge he had gained to other Bener WPA members, so that later they could grow crops together in each other’s yards and facilitate the manufacture of fertilizers for plants.
Starting with a hobby of planting ornamental plants, Indriyanti now has a new hobby, namely planting vegetables and fruits. The land used is the yard of the house and part of the balcony. Planting using polybags and used plastic materials as planting media in pots. The results of the training from UPKM/CD Bethesda YAKKUM are very useful, because now Indriyanti grows fruits such as: tomatoes, cherries, eggplants and bitter gourds using growing media and organic fertilizers from animal waste. In addition, the use of organic pesticides is very safe if fruits and vegetables are to be consumed. Indriyanti also provides seeds if there are residents who need them.
Another change is that Indriyanti was also moved to impart her knowledge on making fertilizer from kohe by utilizing animal manure. He also gathered breeders and together with the WPA of Bener Village practiced the method of making manure. Not only at the sub-district level, Indriyanti also facilitated fertilizer production at the Tegalrejo Kemantren (District) with farmer group participants from the entire Village Administration.* (Cicik Puspitaningsih dan Krismia Widosani).

Fasilitasi Pembuatan Pupuk di Kemantren Tegalrejo