UPKM/CD Bethesda YAKKUM East Sumba Region has carried out Infant and Toddler Nutrition Socialization and Local Culinary Training for Supplementary Food Provision for recovery in Watumbelar Village, together with the nutrition manager from Lewa Tidahu Health Center, on the 20th January 2022. This activity was targeted at parents of toddlers who are stunted and malnourished.
Ms. Mariance Faot, S.Gz (Nutrition Manager) said as a means to maintain the basic nutritional pattern of toddlers, this is a pattern of environmental hygiene and also child hygiene. Including the pattern of nutritional intake, it must contain a lot of protein which also includes meat and fish. In addition, it must also be supported with carbohydrates from vegetables, and also consuming fruit regularly in order to maintain a varied nutritional balance which includes animal and vegetable.
In this activity, UPKM/CD Bethesda YAKKUM also provided support in the form of “Ambon fish” and chicken nuggets for stunted and malnourished toddlers as a step to improve balanced nutrition.